Senior Technical Advisor in Transmission Planning at the U.S. Department of Energy Grid Deployment Office
I am a senior technical advisor with the transmission planning team in the Grid Deployment Office at the U.S. Department of Energy, brought over from the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy were I completed my AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellowship. I received my B.S. (2011) in engineering physics from the University of Arizona and my M.S. (2018) and Ph.D. (2020) in electrical engineering with a certificate in Energy Analysis and Policy from University of Wisconsin-Madison. My research interests included solar photovoltaics, energy policy, electric power system modeling, and electricity markets. During my graduate studies I worked concurrently as a transmission system engineer in the Office of Regional Markets at the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin, advising the Commission on the intersection of emerging generation technologies and the power grid.
Prior to graduate school, I worked for several years as a Research Specialist in an outdoor solar photovoltaic test facility at the University of Arizona. I worked with different electric utilities, private companies and citizen groups to help answer the solar energy questions they found most relevant. I had a particular focus in educational outreach, helping to develop solar energy curriculum for community college students, middle school Girl Scouts, and education levels in between.

University of Wisconsin-Madison
College of Engineering | M.S. Electrical Engineering (2017) | Ph.D. Electical Engineering (2020)
Nelson Institute of Environmental Studies | Energy Analysis and Policy Certificate (2018)
- Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellowship
- NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- Grainger Power Engineering Award

University of Arizona
College of Engineering | B.S. Engineering Physics (2011)
- Arizona Excellence Scholarship for Undergraduate Studies
- Academic Distinction Award

Research & Experience
My research has taken a journey from space exploration to photovoltaic solar field performance and finally to grid power systems. This journey has allowed me to work with many great organizations all across the United States.
January 2019 – August 2020 | Madison WI
- Worked with interdisciplinary Office of Regional Markets team on transmission planning and wholesale electricity market policies of interest to the State of Wisconsin.
- Team leader on issues related to transmission planning, distributed energy resources, energy storage and electric vehicles.
- Participate in transmission system policy development with the Midcontinent Independent System Operator.
- Briefed Commission Chairperson weekly on regional market engineering issues.
September 2015 – August 2020 | Madison WI
- Graduate research interests included electric power systems, electricity markets, optimal dispatch with variability, microgrids, renewable energy, distributed energy resources.
- Led a student project with the Organization of MISO States to quantify the existence of distributed energy resources within the Midcontinent Independent System Operator territory and to compare the grid interconnection policies of other regional transmission organizations.
May 2018 – August 2018 | Golden CO
- Improved the Resource Planning Model, a capacity expansion model used by both the research community and industry to plan electric grid power capacity growth under various renewable energy scenarios. Areas of focus included transmission expansion, wheeling charges, and regional diversity of fuel prices and capital power plant costs.
- Interfaced with electric power utility company personnel to identify their unique system needs and develop model frameworks necessary to address those needs.
- Worked with a diverse scientific team as a self-initiating researcher.
May 2010 – September 2015 | Tucson AZ
- Designed experiments and associated monitoring equipment to report performance and reliability measures of photovoltaic systems across Southern Arizona.
- Supervised and collaborated with student researchers, guiding experiments, data analysis and paper writing.
- Wrote grants and research proposals for laboratory funding.
- Worked directly with electric power utility companies to understand the barriers to grid integration of solar photovoltaic systems.
- Managed collaborative research projects and maintained productive communication with industry partners.
- Gave frequent laboratory tours and occasional information seminars to the interested public.
- Constructed data acquisition systems suitable for monitoring performance and reliability of grid-tied PV systems.
- Installed and evaluated new PV system technologies throughout southern Arizona. Analyses of system technologies benefited electric utility companies, product developers, and the scientific community.
June 2008 – August 2008 | Huntsville AL
- Performed concept trade study for seismometer package on Lunar Lander.
- Conducted materials and electrical engineering experiments on space-compatible ferroelectric circuit elements.
January 2007 – December 2007 | Tucson AZ
- Managed student team on NASA OSIRIS Discovery Space Mission (Phase A) with $584,000 project budget.
- Wrote sections of Concept Study Report for NASA selection committee.
- Headed cosmic radiation research using solid physics techniques on lithium fluoride crystals and optical image reduction of charged couple devices.
Selected Publications
Below are some of my most recent publications. There are more. Please see my CV to view all publications.
- Frew, B., Anwar, M.B., Dalvi, S., Brooks, A. “The interaction of wholesale electricity market structures under futures with decarbonization policy goals: A complexity conundrum.” Applied Energy. Vol 339 (Mar 2023).
- Brooks, A.E. “Renewable Energy Resource Assessment Information for the United States.” DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Technical Report. (Mar 2020).
- Brooks, A.E., Lesieutre, B.C. “The validity of a locational marginal price on variable power injections in energy and regulation markets.” The International Journal of Electric Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 121 (Oct 2020).
- Brooks, A.E., Lesieutre, B.C. “A Review of Frequency Regulation Markets in Three U.S. ISO/RTOs.” The Electricity Journal, Vol. 32, No. 10 (Dec 2019).
- Brooks, A.E., Lesieutre, B.C. “A Locational Price for Power Injection Fluctuations of Variable Generation and Load.” 10th IREP Bulk Power Systems Dynamics and Control Symposium, Espinho, Portugal, August 27-Sep 1, 2017.
- Barron-Gafford, G.A., Minor, R.L., Allen N.A., Cronin, A.D., Brooks, A.E., Pavao-Zuckerman M.A. “The Photovoltaic Heat Island Effect: Large solar power plants increase local temperatures.” Scientific Reports, 6 (2016): 35070.
- Brooks, A.E. “Solar Energy: Photovoltaics.” Future Energy, 2nd Ed. Ed Trevor Letcher. New York: Elsevier, 2014. 383-404. Print.
- Lonij, V.P.A., Brooks, A.E., Cronin, A.D., Leuthold, M., Koch, K. “Intra-hour forecasts of solar power production using measurements from a network of irradiance sensors.” Solar Energy, Vol. 97 (Nov 2013): 58-66. Print.
- Brooks, A.E., Allen, N., Lonij, V.P.A., Cronin, A.D. “Evaluation of Four Geomembrane-Mounted PV Systems for Land Reclamation in Southern Arizona.” Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, Vol. 7 No. 5 (May 2013): 834-840. Print.

Interests & Random Tidbits
Like all ambitious young adults who first taste the independence of college, I signed up for as many extra-curricular activities as I could cram into my schedule, plus a couple more. Among the best things I did were hanging out with Tucson youth via Camp Wildcat and EON Youth Lounge. I loved the excuses to play and run around as if I too was a kid. When I could eek out an hour of downtime — which was rare, as demonstrated by the underwatered, scraggly mint plant in the above picture — I would enjoy reading on the sun-basked couch with my cat Mia for all of 5 minutes before passing out for a long nap.
After my over-committed undergraduate life came to a close, the joys of Arizona really opened up to me. I enjoyed year-round climbing and backpacking with friends and my dog Geryon, named for the Greek red-winged monster. (Don't be fooled by neither this majestic picture of her at Weaver's Needle, nor her epic name — she spends most of her days sleeping on the couch.) A few friends and I spent every spring backpacking the Grand Canyon, determined to walk every trail. Though we got close, our last trip was stunted by a dried water source and subsequent bout with dehydration. We hiked out without incident, but it left a lasting impression.
Perhaps one day I will return to complete that trail, but I have since packed up for the greener, snow laden pastures of Wisconsin. Having retreated from a decade of loving and battling the dangers of a desert mountain playground, I found myself in need of another high-risk sport. Luckily, Wisconsinites have embraced this crazy thing called winter biking. Biking in negative degree weather is only worth the discomfort because at the end of your trip there is the promise of fried cheese and draft beer, both of which are gifts from the Midwest.
I currently live in the greater Boston area and am looking forward to my first proper fall.
Here are ten of the best things:
- The best chocolate is 73% dark.
- The best olives are Castelvetrano.
- The best dance is New England style Contra.
- The best hot sauce is Poblano Salsa Ranchera.
- The best nights end with sightings of the Northern Lights.
- The best way to take a nap is on a mountainside in a hammock.
- The best thing to do for your co-workers is to join your local labor union.
- I am still on the hunt for the best cheese curds in Madison. If you have an opinion on this matter please let me know.
- The best whiskey is Chattanooga 1816. I am less willing to debate this matter than the aforementioned cheese curds, though always happy to try new things.
- The best stories are retellings of Greek mythology. I suggest Jeanette Winterson's Weight, Anne Carson's Autobiography of Red (after which I named my dog), and Madeline Miller's Circe. With luck, any future children I have will arrive with names already given. Otherwise they may expect names such as Ariadne and Deadalus.